Frequently Asked Questions for Sanford, NC

What are the business hours for Sanford?

Monday through Friday
        9am - 8pm

Saturday and Sunday
        By appointment only

What is the Disability Rights of NC and how do I contact them?

Disability Rights North Carolina is a private non-profit organization that was designated by the Governor in 2007 to protect the rights of all state citizens with disabilities through individual advocacy and system change.

Contact Disability Rights of NC Phone: 919-856-2195
Toll Free: 877-235-4210
Fax: 919-856-2244)

Physical Address
3724 National Drive, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27612

What are my Rights and Protections?

ABA Conquest wants you to have the right to:
    * Be treated fairly and with
       respect regardless of race,  
       ethnicity, religion, mental or
       physical disability, sex, age,
       sexual preference, or ability to    
    *Participate in making your
      Service Plan and in decisions
      regarding your Health Care
      including the right to refuse
    *Receive information about  
      ABA Conquest, its services,
      its practitioners and providers,
      and referrals for Specialty
      Care (including cost sharing, if
      any) and how to access
      Medicaid benefits that are not
      covered. [NCQA RR 1 A.1]
    *Receive information about
      your rights and
      responsibilities. [NCQA RR 1
    *Be free from restraint or
      seclusion used as a means of
      coercion, discipline,
      convenience or retaliation.
    *Request and receive a copy of
      your medical record. If you
      doctor or therapist decides
      that this would be harmful to
      your physical or mental well-
      being, you may ask that the
      information be sent to a
     doctor or professional of your
   *Receive your services in a safe
   *Refuse services, unless
     the services are court-
   *Include any persons you wish
     in your treatment.
   *Have your protected health
     information kept private.
   *Obtain information in your own
      language or have it translated.
    *Receive oral interpretation
      services at no cost to you.
    *File a grievance, or appeal
      without penalty. [NCQA RR 1

    *Receive good care from 
      providers who know how to 
      take care of you. 
    *Participate with your 
      practitioners in making 
      decisions about your health 
      care. [NCQA RR 1 A.3] 
    *Choose a provider from the     
      Provider Network. 
    *Use your rights with no 
      negative action by the NC 
      Division of MH/DD/SAS or 
      ABA Conquest and maintain 
      the same civil and legal rights 
      as anyone else. 
    *Be treated with respect, 
      including dignity and privacy. 
      [NCQA RR 1 A.2] 
    *Receive information on 
      available treatment choices 
      and alternatives, regardless of 
      cost or benefit coverage, and 
      to have these choices 
      explained in a way you can 
      understand them. [NCQA RR 1 
    *Recommend changes to ABA 
      Conquest Policy and    
      Procedures, including its 
      member rights and 
      responsibilities policy. [NCQA 
      RR 1 A.6] 
    *Get information on how to 
       recommend changes in ABA 
      Conquest Policy and 
    *To report that suspected 
       violation to the NC 
       Department of Health and 
       Human Services 

How do I contact the NC State offices?

You can visit